IT is claimed that civilization cannot alter the nature of the savage. If there
be any withdrawal of the restraining influences of civilization, his tendency
is inevitably "back to the blanket," and to snake-worship, or
whatever form of worship his ancestors may have been given to. This desire to
fall down and worship something, or somebody, appears to be one of the
proclivities of the human mind not to be eradicated, -- not in this age, at
least. It was born in the blood, and does not seem to have been civilized out
of it, whether the blood be black or white. Carlyle calls it
These reflections were started by seeing the personal pronouns of the Himalayan
Brothers printed with "caps," as the printers say. As, in their case,
the name "Brothers" has become a proper name, it may legitimately be
capitalized to distinguish it from the name of any, or all other brothers; but
why capitalize their pronouns? Those referring to Christ are usually printed with
caps, but it would seem much better to omit them. Can a capital letter add to
his glory, or the absence of it detract therefrom? Neither does it add to that
of the Himalayan Brothers. The only thing is does do is, in some sort of
fashion, to gratify the craving of the human heart to worship in some way, even
if it be only the weak sort of adoration expressed through an enlarged letter.
These Brothers themselves, if they are what they are represented, would, I
fancy, look upon these capitalized pronouns (if their attention were called to
them at all) with a smile of pity for this desire to worship and adore. They,
of all others, would not wish this empty honor. The higher one rises in the
scale of life, the farther the desire for worship and empty honors recedes from
him or her. Let us honor all true worth and nobility of character, but never
"crook the pregnant hinges of the knee" to any. The Brothers on the
Asiatic mountains are simply human like the rest of us, for have we not all
within us the promise and the potency of that higher life which awaits but our
self-sacrificing efforts to develop it? While we all have the germs of
adept-hood within us, but few have the character to lead a life that shall
bring it out. And so we may justly honor those who do succeed, but the silly
worship of the past let us strive to out grow.
NOTE-We hare printed the above because the subject has been referred to before
by us, and we think the ideas expressed are of some importance-to students, but
not to the "Brothers" spoken of by the writer. We distinctly disagree
with Miss Burr when she describes the capitalizing in PATH or elsewhere of the
pronouns used for the "Brothers" as "hero worship," and
also with her suggestion that the use of such capitals shall be dispensed with.
Her article has not been thus disfigured, since she herself omitted the caps.
Nor can we agree that the Adepts referred to are, as she says, "simply
human like the rest of us," for that statement is too Americanly
independent for us to adopt it, and also somewhat wide of the mark.
True independence we believe in, but no in that sort which, merely from the
influence of ideas of political freedom based on theoretical equality, causes a
man to place himself on such an equal footing with others that he will not
accord to beings infinitely beyond him in degree the highest marks of respect.
Sages do not concern themselves with small questions of etiquette or address,
but that should not prevent us when we write to each other of those sages from
capitalizing the pronouns used. Every one is at liberty to do this if he
pleases, or to refrain; and we have no blame to attach. But the Adepts, while
human, are not "simply like the rest of us." The highest divine being
is truly a human ego in perfection, but the difference between the state of
such an ego and these lower unperfected human gods is beyond our power to
measure. And the difference is so great that the writer's second last sentence
should be altered to read that, "while a few amongst tens of thousands
have the power to strive for Adeptship, hardly one in all those thousands is
able to comprehend the Mahatma as He is." -Ed.
Path, October, 1887