Theosophy Trust
Memorial Library
R Crosbie
~ H. P. Blavatsky ~
Theosophical Writings
1890! On the New Year's Morrow
A Discussion of the Zodiac
A Republican Citizen
African Magic
The Ahkoond of Swat - The Founder of Many Mystical Societies
An Astral Prophet
An Unsolved Mystery
Ancient Doctrines Vindicated by Modern Prophecy
Ancient Magic in Modern Science
Animated Statues
Answers to Queries
Antiquity of the Vedas
Apollonius Tyaneus and Simon Magus
Aquarian Axioms
Are Chelas Mediums?
Are Dreams But Idle Visions?
The Arya Samaj
The Babel of Modern Thought
Black Magic in Science
The Blessings of Publicity
The Bright Spot of Light
Buddhism in America
Buddhism, Christianity and Phallicism
Can the Double Murder?
Can the Mahatmas Be Selfish?
A Case of Obsession
Chelas and Lay Chelas
Chinese Spirits
Christmas Then and Christmas Now
Civilization, The Death of Art and Beauty
The Claims of Occultism
Classification of Principles
Count St. Germain
Cross and Fire
The Cycle Moveth
The Denials and the Mistakes of the Nineteenth Century
The Devil's Own - Thoughts on Ormuzd and Ahriman
Diagnoses and Palliatives
Dialogue on the Mysteries of the After Life
Dialogues between the Two Editors
Do the Rishis Exist?
Does Vaccination Prevent Smallpox?
Dr. Beard Criticized
Dreamland and Somnambulism
The Drift of Western Spiritualism
The Dual Aspect of Wisdom
Echoes from India ~ What is Hindu Spiritualism?
The Eddy Manifestations
Editorial Appendix
Editorial Comment
The Eighth Wonder
The Electric and Magnetic Affinities Between Man and Nature
The Ensouled Violin
Esoteric Axioms and Spiritual Speculations
Esoteric Buddhism and its Critic
Esoteric Buddhism and the Secret Doctrine
The Esoteric Character of the Gospels
Fakirs and Tables
The Fall of Ideals
The Fate of the Occultist
A Few Thoughts on Some Wise Words from a Wise Man
Five Messages
Force of Prejudice
A French View of Womens Rights
The Grand Inquisitor
"H. M." and the Todas
H. P. Blavatsky on Precipitation and Other Matters
H. P. Blavatsky's Masonic Patent
Have Animals Souls?
Hindu Widow-Marriage
The History of a Book
The History of a Planet
The Holmes Controversy
Holmes Controversy (Cont'd)
Huxley and Slade
Hypnotism, and Its Relations to Other Modes of Fascination
The Imperfections of Science
Indian Metaphysics
Intro-Version of Mental Vision
Is Creation Possible for Man?
Is Denunciation a Duty?
Is Foeticide a Crime?
Is It Idle to Argue Further?
Is Suicide a Crime?
Is the Desire to Live Selfish?
Is Theosophy a Religion?
Isis Unveiled and the Theosophist on Reincarnation
Isis Unveiled and the Vishishtadwaita
Isis Unveiled Series ~
The True Meaning of Nirvana
Its the Cat!
The Jews in Russia
The Kabalah and the Kabalists
Kabalistic Views of "Spirits"
Karmic Visions
The Knout As Wielded by the Great Russian Theosophist
Kosmic Mind
The Lack of Unity among Spiritualists
Lamas and Druses
A Land of Mystery
The Last Song of the Swan
Le Phare de L'Inconnu
The Leaven of Theosophy
Leo Tolstoi and His Unecclesiastical Christianity
Let Every Man Prove His Own Work
Life and Death
Literary Jottings
Lodges of Magic
Logic versus Peripatetic
Madame Blavatsky on the Himalayan Brothers
Mahatmas and Chelas
Memory in the Dying
The Mind in Nature
The Missing Link
Missionaries Militant
Mistaken Notions on the 'Secret Doctrine'
Modern Apostles and Pseudo-Messiahs
The Mote and the Beam
Mr. A. Lillie's Delusions
My Books
A Mysterious Race
Mystery of the Buddha I -
The Doctrine of Avataras
Mystery of the Buddha II -
The Seven Principles
Mystery of the Buddha III -
Reincarnations of Buddha
Nature's Human Magnets
The Negators of Science
The New Cycle
(New) York Against Lankester. A New War of the Roses
"Not a Christian"!
A Note on Eliphas Levi
A Note on Memory
Notes on Some Aryan-Arhat Esoteric Tenets
Notice to Mediums
The Number Seven
The Number Seven and Our Society
Occult or Exact Science?
Occult Phenomena
Occultism or Magic
Occultism Versus the Occult Arts
Old Hindoo Ships
Old Philosophers and Modern Critics
The Omnipresent Proteus
On Pseudo-Theosophy
On The New Year's Morrow
Oppressed Widowhood in America
The Organisation of the Theosophical Society
The Origin of Evil
Our Cycle and the Next
Our Three Objects
A Paradoxical World
Parting Words
Persian Zoroastrianism and Russian Vandalism
Pertinent Queries
Pertinent Questions
Philosophers and Philosophicules
The Popular Idea of Soul-Survival
A Posthumous Publication
Practical Occultism
The Pralaya of Modern Science
Premature and Phenomenal Growths
Progress and Culture
A Protest
Psychic and Noetic Action
A Psychic Warning
Psychology - The Science of the Soul
A Puzzle from Adyar
A Puzzle in "Esoteric Buddhism"
Queries and Answers
Questions Answered about Yoga Vidya
Re-Classification of Principles
A Rebuke
Recent Progress in Theosophy
Reincarnations in Tibet
A Reply to Our Critics: Our Final Answer to Several Objections
The Retort Courteous
The Roots of Ritualism in Church and Masonry
Russian Atrocities
The Sacred Tree of Kum Bum
The Science of Life
The Science of Magic
Scrutator Again
The Search After Occultism
Secret Doctrine Series ~ Man, The Pale Shadow of God
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Adepts and the Sacred Island
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Ape Appeared Later Than Man
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Coming New Race
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Genesis of The Devil
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Origins of Human Language
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Pith and Marrow of Occultism
Secret Doctrine Series ~ The Religion of the Lemurians and Atlanteans
Seeming "Discrepancies"
The Seventeen-Rayed Sun-Disc
She Being Dead Yet Speaketh
A Signal of Danger
The Signs of the Times
The Six-Pointed and Five-Pointed Stars
A Society Without a Dogma
Some Scientific Questions Answered
Spiritual Progress
Spiritualism and Occult Truth
Spiritualism and Spiritualists
Spiritualism in Russia
Spiritualistic Tricksters
Star-Angel-Worship in the Roman Catholic Church
Stars and Numbers
Stray Thoughts on Death and Satan
The Substantial Nature of Magnetism
The Life Principle
The Theosophical Mahatmas
The Year Is Dead, Long Live the Year
Theories about Reincarnation and Spirits
The Theory of Cycles
The Theosophical Society: Its Mission and Its Future
To Theosophists
The Theosophists and their Opponents
Theosophy and Spiritualism
Theosophy or Jesuitism?
The Thoughts of the Dead
Thoughts on the Elementals
Tibetan Teachings
The Tidal Wave
To the Readers of 'Lucifer'
The Todas
Transmigration of the Life Atoms
Trickery or Magic?
The Universe In A Nut-Shell
Views of the Theosophists
War in Olympus
A Warning to Mediums
Was Cagliostro A 'Charlatan'?
Washing the Disciples' Feet
What Are the Theosophists?
What Is Occultism?
What Is Theosophy?
What Is Truth
What of Phenomena?
What Shall We Do for Our Fellow-Men?
What's in a Name? - Why the Magazine Is Called Lucifer
Which First - the Egg or the Bird?
Why Do Animals Suffer?
Why I Do Not Return to India
Why The "Vahan"?
A Word with Our Friends
A Word with Zero
World-Improvement or World-Deliverance
A Year of Theosophy
The Yoga Philosophy